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Knispo Crystal Dictionary

Find the meaning for your favorite crystals !

African Jade Beaded Bracelet

African Jade

" I promote confidence, strength, agility, action and intuition. I assist spiritual and personal grown and heighten intuition.  I help process trauma and bring more generational healing, serenity into one's life, bringing more joy, luck, fortune and abundance.  "


" I create a field of protective spiritual light, purification, relaxation, and divine connection. I bring peace, clarity, and balance to those who meditate with me. I can free addictive personalities. I raise low energy into higher frequencies. I am good for the Third eye, crown, Etheric chakras.

Amethyst Pendant
Angelite Pendant


" Great for those who have a hard time connecting to their guides and gaining messages during meditation. Aiding contact to the angelic and higher realms It makes communication and contact with the universe, people and spirit guides easier and more clear. "

Apache Tears

" I am safe, grounded and protected. I release past wounds and help to move on my spiritual path with ease. I assist depression, grief and feelings of being different. I will balance the root, sacral and heart chakra. "

Aqua Chalcedony Pendant

Aqua Chalcedony

" I help create balanced communication and mental clarity by releasing unwanted energies and bringing calm and peace into ones life. Great for healing aggressive energy. "


" I help aid in clear communication and enhancing courage by helping you release anger, stress and dealing with grief. I can assist you with self healing as this stone is great for letting go of emotional issues and moving towards balance.  "

Aquamarine Pendant
Black Kyanite Pendant

Black Kyanite

" I can clear blocked energies throughout the energy field and make energy flow. I can raise your frequency while staying grounded. I teach one to experience different realms but still keep the earth connection. I help with past life recall, connection with nature, intuitive ability and empathy. I am good for all chakras"

Black Obsidian

" I am Volcanic glass that can aid you with transformation and metamorphosis. I protect from negative energy, I ward away psychic attacks and great for general protection. I am a powerful grounding stone, as well as I bring forth truth to aid mental clarity and compassion. I remind you of your strength and power. "

Beaded Bracelet

Black Onyx

" Iam good for helping to create a positive life, I am a stone of Karma making me great for generational healing, security, and living life from a better place. I help connect you to the earth and the universe and great for warding off negative energy. "

Black Tourmaline

" Iam good for helping the wearer ground and protect themselves from negative energy. I help block out emf from cell phones and other electronics and forms of radiation. I am a great tool when you need calmness and stability in your life. I help bring awareness to generational curses for healing and surrendering. IAM for the root chakra."

Black Tourmaline Pendant
Bloodstone x Garnet Pendant


"I lend strength to the physical body and I strengthen your connection to the divine. I purify and clear negativity that is in the auric field which leads to healing the physical body. My energy grounds one fully in the body. It helps our earthly existence flourish with courage and vitality. "

Blue Apatite

" I help rid the wearer of confusion and negativity by creating conscious harmony. Great for promoting great communication, independance and ambition. Connecting you with your Akashic records this stones help discover things about your past life and futuristic information. "

Blue Apatite Pendant
Blue Aventurine Pendant

Blue Aventurine

" I am a EMF protector I aid communication of the heart and truth. I help you gain breakthroughs with tough situations and relationships. I bring mindfulness, adventure and harmony to the wearer. I bring prosperity and progress into ones life, and strenthen the power of expression. "

Blue Baryl

" I help nervousness and alleviate stress as well as emotional outburts. I aid ones focus and help the wearer become more optimistic. Dealing better with changes I help promote more self love. "

Clear Quartz x Blue Beryl Pendant

Blue Calcite

 " I help bring calm and soothing energy to help balance emotions and aid anxiety. I work with the throat and third eye chakra so I also help with clairvoyance abilities and intuition. Good for clearing negative energy and bringing relaxation. Also aiding in bettering communication and expression."

Blue Apatite

" I help rid the wearer of confusion and negativity by creating conscious harmony. Great for promoting great communication, independance and ambition. Connecting you with your Akashic records this stones help discover things about your past life and futuristic information. "

Blue Apatite Pendant

Blue Chalcedony

" Used in ancient civilizations like Egypt, this stone is used to restore balance in the conscious mind and innerchild as it enhances meditation and reflection. A stone for creating peace and mindful expression and speaking with spirit. And is great for individuals in the spot light as it helps ease the nerves. "

Blue Goldstone

" I help protect and bring mental stability to its wearer, bringing confidence and break throughs into ones life. Aiding the nervous system it helps with better communication and expression and helps its wearer take more control over their lives. "

Blue Goldstone Pendant
Blue Howlite Pendant

Blue Howlite

" I help bring wisdom, peace and clarity to its wearer especially in the dream/astral world. I am great for anger. stress and insomnia, and is also great for helping communication and coming across more mindful and graceful."

Blue Kyanite

" helps with trust, faith, patience and focus. Helping one break cycles and destructive patterns. It helps tempers and helps one become more mindful and cheerful. By aiding it's wearer with healthy communication and exploring self expression. "

Blue Kyanite Pendant
Blue Laced Agate Pendant

Blue Lace Agate

" helps communication, clarity & confidence. Clearing the throat chakra and connecting you to higher guidance. Helping one speak the truth and calm negative patterns and help create positive inner dialogue. "

Blue Quartz

" I am wonderful for those looking for a fresh start, by bringing stillness and the reflection needed to heal and start over. Aiding the nervous system i help bring serenity and great for those who have a hard time concentrating during meditation. "

Blue Quartz Pendant

Blue Sapphire

" Aids psychic visions, speaking with wisdom and truth,  stimulates inner knowing, brings order and healing and aids the third eye and throat chakra."

Cat Eye Agate

"I help you recover what is lost both in the physical and the spiritual. I help amplify and bring clarity to your intuition. I bring calmness, abundance and assist with mental and emotional stability."

Cat Eye Agate Pendant


" This high frequency stone is all about communication and channeling. It is a huge help on communicating with spirit and finding thr clarity to express your thoughts and emotions. Connecting you to higher self and opening your upper chakras above the crown. "


" I activate your root, sacral and solar plexus chakras. I bring in life force, sexual and creative energies. I help to build confidence, courage, passion and power within. I assist in taking action to manifest ones highest goals and dreams. I can help you strengthen the physical body. "

Carnelian Pendant


" I am a stone of empowerment of the feminine energies in both men and women. I teach that genuine power best expressed itself through gentleness. I hold the vibrations of a goddess. I stimulate the throat chakra for clear communication and the heart chakra to express our deepest truths. I open the channel for higher consciousness to flow through teaching, speaking or communicating. "


"I am a spiritual cleanser and can regenerate your spiritual self. I increase your energy and give you inspiration. I help depression, fears and phobias. I bring inner peace, wisdom and intellect."

Citrine Pendant

Clear Calcite

" Aids and enhances psychic abilities and also provides protection. "

Clear Quartz

" I am one of the clearest quartz in the world. My energy is amazing and can intensify other stones. I can be programmed for your intention. I bring clarity and heightened intuition. I can balance all energy centers. I am great for all chakras"

Clear Quartz Pendant
Beaded Bracelet

Crazy Laced Agate

" I bring more joy and happiness into your life by helping to open up your perspective and lighten up your view on life. I assist you in releasing fears and finding composure, stability and self security. I help you express yourself and have open and clear communication with others. I enhance psychic abilities. " 

Dalmation Jasper

" I bring playfulness back into ones life and happiness into just being and being present. I'm good for getting rid of addictions and making less impulsive decisions. I also help you find clarity on creating more balance in your platonic and romantic relationships. Great for physical healing.  "

Dalmation Jasper Pendant

Clear Fluorite

" Aids and enhances psychic abilities and also provides protection. "

Clear Quartz

" I am one of the clearest quartz in the world. My energy is amazing and can intensify other stones. I can be programmed for your intention. I bring clarity and heightened intuition. I can balance all energy centers. I am great for all chakras"

Clear Quartz Pendant
Beaded Bracelet

Crazy Laced Agate

" I bring more joy and happiness into your life by helping to open up your perspective and lighten up your view on life. I assist you in releasing fears and finding composure, stability and self security. I help you express yourself and have open and clear communication with others. I enhance psychic abilities. " 

Dalmation Jasper

" I bring playfulness back into ones life and happiness into just being and being present. I'm good for getting rid of addictions and making less impulsive decisions. I also help you find clarity on creating more balance in your platonic and romantic relationships. Great for physical healing.  "

Dalmation Jasper Pendant

Desert Jasper

" I am a stone of transformation and all things new and creative. I help build community and provide courage, inspiration and action. I protect, ground and energize the wearer. I bring balance to all aspects of the being physical, sexual and spiritual."


" I am all about the planet and am great for those who like to take care of the earth. I work with the emotions and help you feel empowered. I am great for those wanting to deepen their self love. I help you be more open to giving and receving love and I also help you carry your enery from the earth up to your higher chakras."

Diopside Dragon Pendant
Emerald Pendant


" The green of growing things - the sacred stone of goddess Venus and the symbol of hope. Aids in manifesting prosperity and abundance, used to remove barriers to spiritual growth and raise consciousness. Emerald stabilizes the astral body and cleanse the energy of all levels of the subtle body. It can also increase psychic and intuitive awareness, particularly in the area of clairvoyance. "

Ethiopian Opal

" I help one think with more optimism and more clarity for decision making. I am a great protector of both the physical and spiritual bodies and enhances your intuition. I help you make peace with your past and attract better circumstances and great for meditation and intention. "

Ethiopian Opal Pendant


" I activate the heart and root chakra. I healthy emotional body and help one find their path through the heart. I help one to see their self worth and to overcome self doubt or self criticism. Teach self love flowing through the depths of your soul. "


" I help with meditation, teaching one how to get passed the clutter and helping those who have trouble meditating. I promotes psychic wholeness and development, and I provide protection and peace. I am a psychic shield and protect from chaotic vibrations.  "

Fluorite Ring
Bloodstone x Garnet Pendant


" This talisman is great for inspiration as it enhances your creativity, it helps with balancing emotions but also help you become more passionate. It helps heal the physical body and bring balance to ones spirit. Protecting its wearer from low energies and spirits. "

Green Aventurine

" Helps one move forward by helping to release patterns, build confidence. Helps to look at the bright side of life and connecting more to the earth and the present moment. Aids with manifesting prosperity, a good luck stone for the heart chakra."

Green Aventurine Pendant
Beaded Bracelet

Green Agate

" I help aid emotional stability, increasing compassion and generosity. Building mental strength and helping with decision making. I assist with emotional and energetic blockages to help you flow with life. . I also help you understand and express your emotions."

Green Calcite

" Is good for gardening and helps one with gaining abundance by helping you create clear intentions. Enhancing spiritual balance and communication. Good especially for people feeling stuck in any aspect in their lives. And great with aiding physical ailments. "

Green Fluorite Pendant

Green Fluorite

" Helps with meditation it teaches one how to get passed the clutter for those who have trouble meditating. It promotes psychic wholeness and development, protection and peace. It is a psychic shield and protects from chaotic vibrations. "


" A strong grounding stone great for stability and protection. A great body mind and soul balancer as it is a stone that decreases negativity. It also boosts the self esteem and self confidence. "

Citrine Anhk

Herkimer Diamond

" Aids psychic gifts, brings clarity to the mind and peace to the heart and soul. Amplifies the energy of other stones and brings confidence and life force energy to its wearer. Allowing forward movement. "


" This crystal helps enhance the intuition and dreams and great for protection as it strengthens the auric field. Creating more mental balance it helps deals with addictions, patterns and negative outlooks on life.  And helps reconnect one with self and create more peace in life "

Iolite Eye Of Ra and Horus Pendant


" I am a great grounding stone, helping you feel safe and protected. I assist with working through loss, grief and sorrow. Bringing more hope and faith into your life. "


" Is a stone of emotion, opening and connecting the mind to the heart. It encourages the break down of the walls one create around the heart. "

Labradorite Pendant


" A stone of transformation and magic, it protects and balances the aura especially in the dream state. It brings clarity and insight and helps attract success. It is also a wonderful stone for remembering dreams. It increases intuition, psychic development and helps subconscious issues. "

Lapis Lazuli

"I consist of lazurite,calcite and pyrite. My energy holds ancient wisdom and healing ability. I assist inner visions,creative expression and enhance psychic abilities. My energy helps channel ideas for writers, inventors, speakers and other profession."

Lapis Lazuli Pendant


" Filled with Blue Pectolite, Hematite, copper and Basaltic lava I am a great stone for balancing fire and water. I am of atlantian energy and I contain the healing energy of dolphins. I enhance and balance the mind, body and spiritual journey. I help remove any limitations from ones path. "


" I am a protective stone, I help with depression, stress and mental blockages. I protect both the physical and spiritual bodies, releasing thoughts, emotions and energies that do not belong to and no longer serves the wearer. I help realign you with your path. "

Beaded Bracelet
Tree of Life Pendant

Lavendar Jade

"Helps aid with creating a peace of mind, protecting it's wearer. Great for guidance seeing that the stone helps aid communication with your guides and angels. It also helps with balancing your emotions, creating balance in ones relationships with self and others. "

Leopard Skin Jasper

" I help bring clarity by helping to allieviate stress and misdirection in ones life. Encouraging he individual to be more kind and mindful also allowing them to manifest more of it into their life. Strengthening the mind body and spirit! "

Leopard Skin Jasper Pendant
Lepidolite Pendant


" Aids stress, depression and brings emotional healing. Aiding the third eye and crown chakra this high frequency stone helps with meditation and balance. It also activates the throat and heart chakra and helping you have forward movement and have more clarity and a positive out look on the future."


" I create a protective shield around your auric field. I protect from any unwanted energy. I keep you protected and invisible to any harmful forces. My energy also holds positivity, creativity, clarity, confidence and leadership. I am for your solar plexus and heart chakra. I teach all possibilities are endless. "

Malachite Pendant
Merkaba Pendant


is a sacred geometric shape that exist in the universe and is the shape of the energy that carries our spirit. Allowing our consciousness/spirit to travel and astral travel. It is the ship that guides and protect us as we travel, especially when we travel the ethers. 

Mookaite Jasper

 " I help reduce stress levels by bringing peace and a sense of wholeness. Bringing back balance and joy into ones life by helping the individual accept change. "

Mookite Jasper Pendant
Moonstone Ring


" I help the wearer go on a self journey to heal and become whole. I am the sidekick to the things you want to do in your life, ruled by the moon I help you match your emotions with the things you want to do. I am a great protector and great for grounding, becoming present and strengthening your intuition. "


" I help aid anxiety and stress by bringing more unconditional love, compassion and loving thoughts. Bringing more lightness I help release burdens and trauma, filling one with inspiration and helping one see the bigger picture in life and more understanding of your spiritual journey."

Morganite Dragon Pendant
Ocean Jasper Pendant

Ocean Jasper

"I help bring calm uplifting energy, joy happiness and positivity into ones life. I enhance personal power, confidence and clear communication.I help you step and honor your truth and everything that you are."


" I activate your root, sacral and solar plexus chakras. I bring in life force, sexual and creativr energies. I help to build confidence, courage, passiom and power within. I assist in taking action to manifest ones highest goals and dreams. I can help you strengthen the physical body. "

Opalite Pendant
Orgonite Ring


"Aluminum is used to help one focus on their priorities, vitalizing the body and enhance intuition. Brass is used to bring out the good in someone, it enhances courage and truth. Copper is used to conduct electricity, cleanse ones aura/energy, heal and protect its wearer. Gold is used to help ground and relax, helps with depression, balancing and cleansing ones energy and emotions. Steel is used for protection and works with mars helping to find balance with emotions."

Orange Agate

" I help bring willpower, clarity and insight to the wearer, and bringing deceit to light helping you to be less swayed by others. I help move on from a dark past by bringing more love, positivity and possibility into ones life. Expect more creativity and life force when working with me! "

Orange Agate Ring
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Orange Calcite

" I activate the sacral and solar plexus chakra. My energy stimulates sexual and creative energy. I help reclaim ones health and vitality by creating a flow of energy. I am powerful for those in the creative field. I assist in taking action towards ones goals. "

Peach Moonstone

" I help bring out the best in an individual and great for highly sensitive, intuitive and emotional individuals as I help ground and balance emotions and anger. This stone helps enhance self love. "

Peach Moonstone x Blood stone Bracelet
Peacock Ore Pendant

Peacock Ore

" I help bring balance to ones thoughts and help an individual become more optimistic about life. A stone for more joy, happiness and creativity boost. Teaching the individual how to focus less on worries and more on the present moment. "


" Aids psychic abilities and provides psychic protection. Bringing clarity and and stability to it's wearer. Peridot helps one attract abundance and gain confidence in self. It is great for unconditional love and emotional stability. "

Citrine Anhk
Carnelian x Petrfied Wood Pendant

Petrified Wood

" Good for Ancestral healing and past life, this stone helps you read the akashic records.. A stone to connect you to mama gaia gaining grounding and protection, this stone is created from fossilized trees. Trees that have crystalized over time and known to have mystical powers. "

Pink Calcite

" I help one bring more happiness, love and peace into your life. I help bring down and transmute energy from the crown chakra down to the heart space. Helping one connect with their higher self and surrendering to emotional balance and self love. "


Pink Opal

" This powerful stone gently heals emotional pain, it aids in healing subconscious emotional pain. Pink Opal is a stone of renewal, reconnecting to the sacred relationship between Self and the Divine. It is a heart chakra stone. "

Pink Tourmaline

" I am helpful to those with anxiety, depression and emotional instability. I help bring more love and understanding into ones life by bringing back ones passion for living. Bringing peace to fears and doubts in life by opening one to forgiveness and compassion. "

Pink Tourmaline Choker
Prehnite Pendant


 " I help you make decisions through the heart rather than the ego. It stabilizes energy flow in the body to help with nervousness, restlessness & worry. It keeps your mind at peace so that you think from the heart. Carry this stone for spiritual discipline. "

Purple Fluorite

" Promotes psychic wholeness and development, protection and peace. It is a psychic shield and protects from chaotic vibrations. Keeping away evil spirits, relieves stress and will help you bring your mind body and soul to a balance. "

FLuorite x Moonstone Pendant

Purple obsidian

"Aids one with psychic abilities teaching us to trust our intuition. It also helps with visions and lucid dreaming. "


"Also known as fools gold, protects it's wearer from negative energy. It fuels and works with the sacral and solar plexus chakra. It helps you feel confident and gain physical and mental strength. It also helps one gain abundance and success."

Pyrite Pendant

Rainbow Moonstone

"My energy emits emotional balance, strength, clarity, purification, inner peace and protection. I enhance intuitive ability and connect you to the goddess within. I can also relieve stress and worry. I can heal the emotional body. I can activate all chakras especially the 3rd eye and crown"

Red Aventurine

" I am revitalizing, and inspiring in all areas of life, as I help bring determination and confidence to the wearer. Helping one balance their ego and judgemental behavior. I help one become more easy going and more able to follow through on things. "

Red Aventurine Pendant
Red Jasper Pendant

Red Jasper

 " I help create grounding, confidence and protection for its wearer. The stone of passion and rejuvenation I help stimulate the kundalini and deal with fears and emotional instability.  I am great for breaking generational curses and cycles. "

Red Tigers Eye

 " I hold the energy of vitality, strength, confidence, claroty & physical action. I can help you through the challenges of everyday life by bringing you to a grounded, centered and calm place. I sharpen your intellect and whit. I help to see different viewpoints. I bring balance ans fairness to your thoughts.  Tiger eye aligns the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras. "



" I inspire emotional healing, encouraging unconditional love, kindness, self worth, compassion and spiritual growth.  I help people deal with guilt and shame, helping us find more control in how we deal with life. Connecting you to your inner guidance and the guidance from your spirit guides, I help bring inspiration."

Rose Quartz

" A crystal of unconditional love, working on emotional wounds, fears and resentment. A stone of love it helps attract divine love to ones aura and reawakens the heart space to its own unconditional love and self love. "



" Brings a balance to mind body and spirit. Brings focus and a calm energy to chaotic situations. It removes negativity from spaces and people and helps with meditation! "

Ruby Fushite

 " A fusion of ruby and fuchsite known for balancing stimulation with intuition making the stone great for psychic work in a very powerful way. It brings attention to problems in all areas of a persons life. It helps one understand LOVE at a higher level. Helps the heart and root chakra. "



" I help bring truth into one's life, bringing clarity and insight through many channels and forms. I bring protection, good fortune , structure and discipline. I help deepen knowledge and consciousness. "


" Is great for energy clearing and balancing your frequency. It helps connect you to the universe and bring you a sense of clarity and can calm you down. It helps one feel recentered as it helps realign and rebalance and does not absorb energy. "



" I Provide grounding, patience and balance as I am a powerful grounding and healing stone and filled with ancient energy. I am great for balancing emotions, aiding anxiety and stress helping the individual feel more present. I also help protect the wearer from EMF and radiation. "

Smokey Quartz

"The talisman of the root chakra a divine connection to mother earth. It brings strength and stability and activates ones survival instincts in a purified way. A great grounding and cleansing stone it is amazing for healing. "


Snowflake Obsidian

" Helps dispel negative energy, it helps bring emotions to the surface to help you find peace and grounding. Helping you bring balance to the change you are experience as it is a stone that aids with transformation. Teaching you how to value both mistakes and success this stone helps you balance your mind, body and soul. "

Snow Quartz

" I help provide clarity, heightened intuition and intelligence. I help balance the mental, physical and spiritual bodies, creating balance in the yin yang energies. I assist you in connection with yourself and the all, finding patience and making better decisions. "



 " I help detach from the worry of everyday life. I can reduce stress and anxiety by allowing you to see from another perspective. I stimulate intuition and mental performance. I am great for but not limited to writers, teachers, students, entrepreneurs and psychologists. I help your third eye chakra. "

Spessartine Garnet

" I help bring new things into your life, and bring you closer to your dreams. I enhance personal power, creativity, manifesting, and help balance emotionally. Helping you heal your fears and the clarity and confidence to change your life."


Star Ruby

 " Brings enjoyment of the spiritual world, manifestation of abundance,  helps you embrace the physical life stimulating energy flow and connecting you to the root chakra. This combo is great for finding balance between the upper and lower chakras and both the light and the shadow. "


" A powerful stone used in crystal energy work for dispelling fears and phobias of all kinds also used to decrease stress and lift depression. Sunstone is also said to bring good luck and abundance, and turns negative energies and psychic attacks into positive energies. This stone increases personal power and will, as well as life force energy. It is also said to be helpful in contacting animal or spirit guides."


Tangerine Quartz

 " I enhance one's strength and help bring manifestations to life as I help balance giving and receiving. I balance emotion and help one become more detached and overall have better interactions/relationships with others. I help enhance your connection with self and visualization. "

Tibetan Quartz

" This stone act as a psychic cleanser, clearing debris from the aura and allowing more fuller spectrum light to fill our physical and energetic bodies. It helps rapidly expand our consciousness in order to release emotional attachments and commune with higher planes. "


Tigers Eye

"I hold the energy of vitality, strength, confidence, clarity & physical action. I can help you through the challenges of everyday life by bringing you to a grounded, centered and calm place. I sharpen your intellect and whit. I help to see different viewpoints. I bring balance and fairness to your thoughts. "

Tree Agate

" I help promote inner stability, achieve deep meditation and bring balance to ego and any arrogance an individual may have. My energy helps to humble its wearer to feel more grounded and place in their life. "

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 "My energy emits open and clear communication, calm and peace to wearer, protection, serenity, patience. I help bring wholeness and spiritual grounding to you. I aid the Heart Chakra, Throat chakra and Third Eye Chakra. "


" Is a stone that encourages visionary abilities by opening your psychic vision. It works through the third eye chakra and aids you to visualize the things you desire in your life.It has an excellent balancing action for your emotions, bringing your emotions into line with your spiritual aspects.



" My energy emits the manifestation of the heart's desire here on earth. I assist in life changes such as relationship, career or moving. I help to follow what your soul wants here on earth and to make those changes. I connect the mind to the body. I am for the heart chakra. This a stone for both the Sagittarius and Capricorn. "

Zebra Stone

" I help restore energy and a good stone for those who work out. I bring healing to its wearer mentally, physically and spiritually. I help connect you to the universe and the earth making me great for anxieties and depression. I work with yin yang energy and good for balancing masculine and feminine energy. "

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